A person’s smile is critical for people’s perceptions. A warm, genuine smile communicates feelings that words alone cannot convey. A great, confident smile radiates warmth and allows people to feel at ease and makes a great first impression. Grand Blanc general dentistry can give you a smile that transmits confidence and professionalism even if you are faking it. When you project a positive vibe, people assume that you are friendlier and have better leadership skills. A recent study followed a group for 30 years, and at the end of those three decades it was revealed that those who had real, happy smiles in their yearbook photos had a happier life overall. A smile can show so much, and the meaning of a smile may change depending on the social setting. From the moment you meet someone, your subconscious starts sizing him or her up. Within seconds, we have made an assessment based on a variety of factors, and believe it or not one is the size and shape of a person’s teeth.

When someone shares a large, confident smile, it shows they are willing to open up and share a part of themselves. However, a fake smile (where you smile with your mouth only and not your eyes) is a sign to others that you are hiding your emotions. A smile not felt from the heart is usually regarded with suspicion and most people will hide their true self from that person. So, to smile or not to smile? White teeth give you more confidence and improve your health. However, fixing your teeth is half the battle. Facial studies show that the act of smiling makes people happy. Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy. People are attracted to happy people, so don’t worry and be happy!

Grand Blanc Smile